Why you may need a PowerFlush for Central Heating Cover
You may have been told by your insurance cover or central heating plan that you require a Powerflush of your central heating system? Let’s take a look at what a Powerflush is? Why we need one? And what are the benefits?
A powerflush is a process which uses a machine and two step chemical process to thoroughly clean out your boiler, pipes and radiators. The purpose is to remove any blockages and replace dirty sludge with clean water.
Sludge is basically dirty water, water in the system combine with rust (Oxidation). Oxidation is created on the inside of the heating system, via radiators, pipes, soldered joints and air. Older systems are vulnerable and more likely it is to have some heating sludge build up.
The now dirty water and rust combine to make a sticky watery gel. As this passes through the central heating components it deposits some of the particles.
This becomes problematic and can block pipes and radiators to a point where the heat is patchy on radiators, radiators and reduced efficiency; it can even restrict the flow of water. Sludge build-up causes cold spots in your radiators. This means they have to work harder to heat a room and you waste more energy. This corrosive sludge can in turn block or cause important components such as the boilers heat exchanger, diverter or pump to fail which can be incredibly expensive to repair.
As the sludge becomes more corrosive, and heats up within the system, the possibility of a seal or gasket leaking increases, which in turn could cause a seal to blow and cause damage to electrical components such as the PCB and Fan.
To book a Powerflush, call 020 3663 7155
So what are the signs I need a Powerflush?
Cold spots on your radiators e.g. at the bottom or Radiators cold but pipes are hot
Boiler breakdowns
Excessive noise from the boiler or the heating system pump
Discoloured water when you bleed the radiators
Heating is slow to warm up
Some radiators struggle to heat up as well as others
Boiler regularly over heats down and needs re setting
No water or air escapes when you vent/bleed a radiator
Noisy radiators and or / boiler
Small leaks or corrosion on radiators.
Therefore a Powerflush carried out correctly will ensure an energy efficient system, Radiators will heat up quicker and become more efficient. The system will become more reliable i.e. reduce the risk of breakdowns and help prolong the life of your boiler, radiators and systems heating system.